• Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Out of the Serpent’s Root

    New from Buzz Magazine, Mab Jones’s selection of new poetry from Wales, reviewing books by Carrie Etter, Clare E. Potter, and Gwyriad by Nigel Jarrett, recently published by Cockatrice Books. In her review she praises Nigel’s ‘keen sight’ and ‘wry tone’ and ‘succinct, scalpel-like technique’ in a collection which is ‘wonderful… altogether a pleasure to…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    ‘His Finest Book’

    As the Cockatrice begins the task of sending River of Hope by Roger Granelli to reviewers, here are some of the customers’ reviewers already published on Amazon: This is his finest book… River of Hope is a captivating read.’ River of Hope sits most comfortably in the hand — each sentence crafted to perfection. The…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Nigel Jarrett goes to Poetry Upstairs

    Nigel Jarrett will be joining John Barnie and Simone Mansell Broome in reading from his newest poetry collection, Gwyriad, newly published by Cockatrice Books, at the famous Poetry Upstairs readings at the Melville Centre for the Arts, Abergavenny, on Tuesday 30th April at 7pm. There will be an entry fee of £5. John Barnie was born…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Turns of the River, Turns of the Road

    A parcel reached the nest of the Cockatrice yesterday, containing reviewers’ copies of my two latest titles. The first is Gwyriad: Poems by Nigel Jarrett, sharp and striking in its poetic technique, reflecting on class, industrial heritage, and industrial decline, family and local history, and the history of the former Pen-y-Fal Psychiatric Hospital. The second…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    For the Cost of a Crown…

    With the cost of the ceremony, policing, and arrests of peaceful protesters in London on Saturday estimated at £250,000,000 at the taxpayer’s expense, and with the taxpayer numbering 27,000,000, we have a bill per person of £9-10. At the Cockatrice Books online store, £9-£10 will buy you Roger Granelli’s collected short stories, Any Kind of…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Sale 3rd–9th May

    As a response to the celebrations taking place across the border this weekend, the Cockatrice offers discounts on two Welsh classics reflecting on monarchy, commonwealth, union, and England’s place in the world. Y diawl a’m llaw chwith: the devil and my left hand. The Sleeping Bard by Ellis Wynne Translated by T. Gwynn Jones, with an introduction…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Any Kind of Broken Man goes to Nation Cymru

    When the Cockatrice was a young hatchling in the early 1990s, publishing in New Welsh Review and The Swansea Review, and still with bits of egg-shell in its down, Roger Granelli was already establishing himself as one of the leading writers of fiction in Wales. Ten novels later, encompassing a range of genres and approaches,…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Books of the Year

    Cockatrice Books is very happy to find Pugnacious Little Trolls by Rob Mimpriss among The White Review’s books of the year. Explaining his choice, the translator Emyr Humphreys refers to the range of work in the collection, which includes realistic portrayals of Welsh life under the threat of climate change and rising English nationalism, and…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Seaside Towns goes to Buzz Magazine

    High praise for A. L. Reynolds’ new novel, Seaside Towns, from Rachel Rees, writing for Buzz Magazine. The book is ’a compelling love triangle between two men and the past… gentle yet searing, introspective yet intensely physical.’ This very warm review joins Jason Barlow’s searching reception of Of the Ninth Verse for Some Melodious Plot in…

  • Since the start of 2015, Cockatrice Books has been publishing ground-breaking short stories from Wales and beyond, masterful novels, brilliant nonfiction, outstanding scholarship by the best of Welsh authors from the 7th Century to the present day; original fiction by Roger Granelli, Rob Mimpriss, and A. L. Reynolds, and Nigel Jarrett and others to come. The hell with your red dragon; it’s the Cockatrice leads the way.

    Internal Difference: New fiction by Roger Granelli, Nigel Jarrett and A. L. Reynolds

    The Cockatrice happily endorses the view that a book should not be judged by its cover, because the content of these is even better. Roger Granelli’s is a rich and satisfying authorial voice. His work is simultaneously traditional and bold, accessible and challenging, fast-paced and affecting. His collected stories, Any Kind of Broken Man, with…